Thursday, June 10, 2010

First Fishing Trip

From Lemon-aid stands to this! Abby did a lemon-aid stand at our Community Wide Garage Sale. She did pretty good! She got this fishing pole and a truck for her brother! She is such a sweet kid! Can you tell she was excited!

This is how I found her the first night - she was so excited to go fishing. I had drawn up a bath for her and Andrew and she took her new chair and pole in the bathroom and started "fishing" . She could NOT wait to go fishing for real!

Do you see the determination on her face? She wasn't allowed to go fishing until she ate her sandwich - I think that's the fastest she's ever eaten, unless it's chocolate, then you don't have to remind her to "take another bite!" She is her mother's daughter!

Andrew loves sitting in his chair! Doesn't he look like such a little man? Minus the blanket of course!

I told Abby to smile - she's really starting to get this posing thing down!

I love to watch Joshua interact with his children! He is SUCH a good daddy, not just a father, but a dad!

I just thought this was really neat!

Like father, like son - what else needs to be said?

Isn't she beautiful?

He's pretty cute too!

I LOVE this picture of him! He is ADORABLE!

He absolutely LOVED the water - he was soaking wet by the time we left.

One of his favorite things to do was to stomp the water and make a splash!

I love this face - the pure joy in it!

It is rare to get Andrew to smile! I was so thankful I got this one. He is usually such a serious kid!

Here he's throwing sand, rocks, whatever he could find into the water! He is such a boy!

"See my muscles, Mom?"

"Here you go!" He hasn't quite perfected his aim so quite frequently I get hit with his projectiles!

I love to watch these two together, they really do love each other a lot! Now, mind you, they can fight with the best of them, but for the most part they play so well together!

Oooop, here I am, just to prove I went on this little family adventure- most of the time I like it best on the other side of the camera!

We caught one!

This picture tells it all! Proud Daddy, little boy who can't wait to touch something nasty and a little girl who is apprehensive at best!

I love their expressions, Andrew was enthralled . . .

Abby was tolerant!

How to fish: 101.

Thanks Dad! You're the best!

1 comment:

  1. Aww, I seriously love this post and all of the wonderful pictures!!

    We are also in Ohio. We live about an hour East of Cincinnati out in the boondocks ;).

    I really loved the adorable pictures of the kids fishing, especially in the bath tub! That is so funny and cute!

    My husband loves to fish and he's been wanting to take the kids out forever. For Father's Day I bought him a new pole and tackle box etc and am surprising him with that and a day fishing with all of us! I can't wait!
