Sunday, August 16, 2009

Cinnamon "Buns"

We had the great pleasure of going on vacation with a dear family, the Weeks, up to their cabin in the UP - for those of you who don't speak Michiaganian, that's Upper Peninsula! We had a wonderful time!  I can't find the rest of my pictures, I had some really great ones of Abby and her dad and of Andrew.  I'm hoping they are at home on a cd or I'll have to call Amy and see if she can get me a copy of them!  Come to think of it, they may be on the other computer . . . yep that's where they are . . . OKAY!  Now that you have entered the scarry thought life of one Patty Johnson!  We interupt this thought for a word from our sponser . . . Seriously, I didn't get a long enough nap today, it got interruppted THREE times, some people go to church and get religious so they can get straightened out for their week - I take a highly religous Sunday Nap, oh well!  Back to the vacation.  We went to the UP.  Rode quads - that's mighiganian for 4 wheelers, went to a sand dunes place that was kinda scarry, ate incredibly good food from probably one of the best cooks in the world! - that is NOT an exaggeration either!  Cook that cake from the previous blog - she came up with it!  Back to vacation - we went to two beaches, I think I have now swam in 3 of the great lakes, We crossed the bridge - that was neat, until we saw the movie of how it was made - boats don't look so bad now!  We saved the children or rather Joshua and the girls saved the children and sang to the children and loved on those children.  We went to Mackinaw City and saw the laser light show, it was neat except for how loud the music was.  We fellowshipped, we did something INCREDIBLY important, we scrapbooked and made cards - almost as religous an experience as a Sunday nap!  We played games - the slapping game of which I HATE and other fun games like that.  We did a bonfire several nights and read ghost stories 0f which I guess I'm horrible at (Sorry, Mark, just had to get that dig in! Mark here is my hero, he can read a ghost story that will chill your bones!)  But the reason for the blog name is because when we went to the beach Abby kept getting sand on her rear, like all of us and Amy would call it Cinnamon Buns.  Isn't she so cute?  They made sand turtles and took walks and Andrew ate the sand, I have to find those other pictures because they are just as Tona would say, TOO CUTE!  Overall it was by far one of the best vacations I've ever had - I considered my honeymoon a vacation and that was probably the best.  We look forward to next year!  And the year after that and after that, until they tell us we can't ever come back!  Thank you Mark and Amy for allowing us to come and make such wonderful memories!  You guys are the best!  

1 comment:

  1. I found you guys!!! I can't believe how big Abby is! and I didn't hear you had another! How precious! Hey, I would love to send y'all an invitation to the wedding--could you give me your address. My e-mail address is Thanks so much, I will deffinetlly be back on this site!
