Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hawaii Trip 002

Four Generation Picture - my Mom, Abby, Me and my Grandma

After the Grand Canyon we went to my Grandpa and Grandma's house! By the way - the steak was DELICIOUS! The spice was Butt Rub and it was good! I just put that on there because I like being able to say that word w/o my mother yelling at me! My very serious little boy with his uncle David!

My grandma, she is so sweet.

Cooking with my Grandpa.

This is part of my family and my Uncle David, my mom's brother and his wife Barb

In this pose they are supposed to look at each other and it is supposed to invoke feelings of goodness, but they just look mad don't they?

These are my family's dogs. This one is Kaiser. (as in Jerry Kaiser! No, the Kaiser of Germany or something like that!)

This one is Minchi - roughly translated from Japanese it means emergency food supply. You have to watch this one, she will just about lick your ankles off!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hawaii Trip 001 . . . "Heaven Help ME"

Mom is that our plane? Yes . . . don't get too excited though for 12 days of travel you are going to be on 8 of those things!!!! Honestly though, they did GREAT! No fits, not screaming because ears hurt, no being rowdy, at times I wondered if I had brought the right children!

Yes all that snow was in Arizona - while we in the North were having rain and heat they were having cold and snow - no joke!!!! I was surprised - there was still snow at the Grand Canyon - I was cold!

These are the SanFransico Peaks the girls are standing in front of!

These little stops were all the way up to the Grand Canyon. One really neat thing is that it costs $25 to go see something that man had nothing doing in helping create - yeah $25 to look at God's creation call the Grand Canyon (that's no the neat part) - but it was national park week so we got in for free!

Some more Indian made stuff. So at this stop I was told by one of the locals that taking pictures was frowned upon because it is their art work and someone might try to copy it so if you are looking at these pictures and you are particularly artsy would you do me a favor and not copy this particular work! Then my conscience can be clear!

A really pretty authentically Indian made pot - for 65 bucks!

Our first glimpse of the Grand Canyon!

This is Ben, my youngest brother - you will see a lot him, he liked getting his picture taken!

I love this picture of him!

I love this picture of my parents!

This is a museum of things found at this site. This is where some Indians lived and some of the stuff they found there!

Isn't she just the cutest thing you've ever seen?

David is very camera shy - it is hard to get such a good shot of him!

I took this so I could remember the name of the mountains I had taken a picture of the girls in. It's up at the top of this post.

I don't think its working . . .

This is the rocks from one of their original houses. This whole area in the Grand Canyon is a Indian Ruins. It really was quite fascinating.

Here is Lizzie . . . need I say more?
Matthew my middle brother!

I don't know why but I thought the tree needed to have its picture taken and then I thought it should be displayed on the world wide web for everyone to . . . enjoy?

A sneak peek at the Grand View - it was just that a grand view!

Honestly no picture in the world could ever do the Grand Canyon justice and for all those heathens out there that think it is just a hole in the ground - you must not realize how great our God is . . . I just stood in awe of his greatness as I looked at it!

I love this picture of me! High angles are the greatest!

I say Heaven help me because I just went through all the pictures hoping there were some for my website but there are so many . . . I'm not going to crop and all that for the blog - sorry it's not that I don't love you whoever you are that read this, it's that I'm crazy to even begin this - Bible Club all next week, my house, my kids, there are a LOT of pictures - I'm going to do them one event at a time so check back often to see what happened from day to day!