Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

So here is a few portraits of our wonderful Thanksgiving! God has been sooooo good to our family, we thank Him for everything he brought into our lives! Ephesians 5:20 says that Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; So often we thank God for the good things, the blessings, the victory after the trial, we often forget that it's the hard things that grow us spiritually, the difficult things, the sorrowful things that bring us closer to God and often some of the only things that make us more like God. So this Thanksgiving, I want to thank God for all the good things He's done, my salvation, my wonderful husband, my great children, my house, my photography, my physical and spiritual blessings but also for the hard things He brought into my life, the times when people left our church and it ripped my heart out, but made turn to God and God alone for my strength during that time. I would also like to thank Him for the most recent trial of a bill we didn't think we were going to be able to pay and we still haven't payed, but the peace that passes all understanding and knowing God is always faithful and being able to thank him the same day we received the bill for the bill knowing God was going to use this in my life to make me more like Him and excited to see that unfold. There were things that happened that weren't what we call good, but God uses all things for God to the praise of His glory and that if it made me a little bit more like Him that it was definitely a good thing! Don't get me wrong, I honestly feel there was more good than bad, more blessings that heartache. This year our theme at the church was Our God is Greater and truly that has been the case in my life! So that is all for now, but what would a blog be without a picture so here's one of the kids this thanksgiving, hanging out in their pj's and pilgrim hats!

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