Thursday, October 1, 2009

"Peanut - Brother"

Doesn't he make the all-time best bubble blowing faces . . . I love it! So, the title . . . Abby made her first joke yesterday. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching her learn the English Language, the different things she has learned these past two and a half years have been fun to watch but yesterday she learned her first joke. I call Andrew Peanut, because he's so small and Abby calls Andrew Brother. Well, yesterday she accidently called him peanut brother and started laughing and laughing and saying it again and saying that's funny, peanut brudder. It was as Tona May would say, TOO CUTE! Well, hoping you have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. I love when kids get old enough to laugh at the things they say. It's so fun!
